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Carbon Reduction Plan and Commitment to Net Zero
Carbon Emissions and Reduction Targets
As operations recommenced post-lockdown, many SMEs like ours were faced with the challenge of increased emissions. To address this, we made it compulsory for all staff to undergo environmental sustainability training. Our action plan to monitor and control our carbon footprint is twofold: leveraging innovative network security technologies that promote eco-friendliness and implementing a culture of sustainability within our workforce.
Here are the initiatives we are promoting:
Cultivating Eco-Consciousness:
We are committed to encouraging and rewarding our staff, suppliers, customers, and the broader community for engaging in environmental preservation and improvement efforts.
Technological Investments for Emission Reduction:
Our investment strategy is focused on embracing and deploying technologies within our service delivery chain that are not only secure but also carbon-conscious, reducing emissions at every step.
Carbon Monitoring and Reporting:
To ensure transparency and continuous improvement, we’re investing in robust systems to monitor and report our carbon emissions, both within our organisation and across our supply chain.
Advocating for Sustainable Practices:
We stand behind the UK Government’s 25-year environmental plan by promoting sustainable production and consumption, thus supporting the enhancement of environmental quality.
Setting Emissions Targets:
Our commitment to reducing our carbon footprint is quantified in our emissions reduction targets, as outlined in the table below, detailing our continuous monitoring and application of control strategies.
Showcasing Our Progress:
Following COVID-19, adopting a hybrid work policy has significantly decreased our carbon emissions, primarily by reducing the daily commute. We continue to advocate for energy-conscious behaviour in the office, such as the prudent use of public transport and energy-efficient practices like turning off idle electronics.
Looking Ahead:
We’re exploring integrating intelligent technologies such as occupancy monitoring systems for automated lighting control. Such innovations not only secure our digital infrastructure but also contribute to our environmental goals. Long-term investments are on the horizon, with renewable energy and intelligent building management systems as pivotal components of our strategy. The potential ROI is twofold: enhanced security and sustainability. Our journey to becoming a paperless office is also a testament to our dedication to environmental stewardship, leveraging cloud-based solutions like Microsoft 365 to minimise reliance on paper and promote digital efficiency.
In alignment with the PPN 06/21 guidelines and greenhouse gas reporting protocols, we’re committed to a transparent and accountable approach to carbon reduction. Our Carbon Reduction Plan reflects this commitment, detailing our emissions across all relevant scopes and standards. You can learn more about ClassroomID’s environmental responsibility in our Environmental Policy.
ClassroomID’s Net Zero Policy
This policy outlines ClassroomID’s commitment to achieving Net Zero carbon emissions and provides a framework for reducing our carbon footprint in line with UK law and best environmental practices.
1. Scope of Policy
This policy applies to all operations, services, and activities of ClassroomID, including but not limited to office management, procurement, travel, and contractor activities.
2. ClassroomID’s Commitment to Net Zero
ClassroomID is committed to:
Achieving Net Zero carbon emissions by 2030.
Continuously improving energy efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Complying with all relevant environmental legislation and regulations.
Incorporating carbon reduction considerations into business decisions and operations.
3. Strategy for Implementation
To achieve our Net Zero commitment, ClassroomID will:
Assess and regularly monitor our carbon footprint.
Develop and implement a carbon management plan with clear targets and timelines.
Invest in energy-efficient technologies and renewable energy sources.
Promote sustainable travel options and implement a green travel policy.
Engage with suppliers to encourage and, where possible, require lower carbon options.
Reduce waste, promote recycling, and use sustainable materials.
4. Reporting and Transparency
ClassroomID will:
Report annually on our carbon emissions and reduction activities.
Make our carbon footprint publicly available to maintain transparency.
Ensure accurate and reliable data collection for monitoring and reporting purposes.
5. Responsibility for Implementing
The Company Directors are responsible for the overall implementation of this policy.
All contractors and employees are responsible for adhering to this policy in their day-to-day operations.
6. Training and Awareness
ClassroomID will:
Provide appropriate training for staff to raise awareness of carbon reduction issues.
Encourage employees and contractors to make sustainable choices in the workplace and personally.
7. Continuous Improvement
ClassroomID is committed to:
Regularly reviewing and updating our carbon reduction strategy.
Exploring innovative solutions to reduce our carbon emissions further.
Engaging with our stakeholders to improve our environmental performance.
8. Carbon Policy Review
This policy will be reviewed bi-annually or in response to significant legislative or organisational changes.
For a detailed exploration of our initiatives, environmental impact, and the security benefits of our network technologies, please get in touch. Together, we can navigate a path that is both digitally secure and environmentally sustainable.

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy for ClassroomID
Introduction to ClassroomID’s Safeguarding Policy
ClassroomID’s Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy aims to protect individuals, especially children, at-risk adults, and beneficiaries of our services, from harm potentially caused by their interaction with ClassroomID. This includes risks from:
Conduct of ClassroomID staff or personnel.
Design and implementation of ClassroomID’s programmes and activities.
Exclusions: This policy does not cover sexual harassment in the workplace (addressed under our Non-Discrimination and Code of Ethics policies) or safeguarding issues in the community not related to ClassroomID.
1. Definition of Safeguarding
In the UK, safeguarding is understood as protecting people’s health, well-being, and rights, ensuring they live free from harm, abuse, and neglect. To learn more, please visit the UK Government’s safeguarding policy paper.
2. Scope
All ClassroomID contracted staff.
Associated personnel engaged in work or visits related to ClassroomID.
3. Policy Statement
ClassroomID is committed to safeguarding everyone it interacts with. We adhere to safeguarding across three key pillars: prevention, reporting, and response.
4. Prevention
Staff training and familiarisation with this policy.
Risk mitigation in program and activity design.
Compliance with data handling during service visits.
Adhering to ClassroomID’s rigorous Safer Recruitment Policy, including enhanced DBS checks.
Regular updates and compliance with client safeguarding policies.
5. Staff Responsibilities
Prohibition of sexual activity with anyone under the age of 18.
Prevention of child and adult abuse or exploitation.
No engagement in commercial exploitation or trafficking.
Avoidance of sexual relationships with beneficiaries.
Reporting obligations for safeguarding violations.
6. Enabling Reports
Accessible reporting channels for staff and communities.
Protection for whistleblowers under the Code of Ethics policy.
Acceptance of external complaints.
7. Reporting a Safeguarding Concern
Reports should be made to the Office Manager or another member of the Senior Leadership Team if necessary.
8. Response
Follow-up of reports in line with policy, procedure, and legal obligations.
Disciplinary actions for policy breaches, including dismissal.
Survivor-led support for harm caused by staff or associated personnel.
9. Confidentiality
Maintaining confidentiality is vital throughout all stages of addressing safeguarding concerns. Information should be shared on a need-to-know basis and kept secure.
10. Review and Update
This policy will be reviewed regularly to ensure compliance with the latest legal and regulatory standards in the UK, including adherence to the Children Act 1989 and Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006.
If you have any questions relating to this policy or safeguarding in general, please get in touch with us
A safer recruitment policy is a set of procedures and practices that organizations working with vulnerable individuals, such as children and young people, should follow to help ensure that they are recruiting suitable staff and volunteers. The goal of a safer recruitment policy is to minimize the risk of harm to vulnerable individuals by preventing unsuitable people from being appointed to positions where they could have access to them.
Key elements of a safer recruitment policy:
Commitment to safeguarding: The policy should clearly state the organization's commitment to safeguarding vulnerable individuals and outline the importance of safer recruitment practices.
Role of the policy: The policy should explain the purpose of safer recruitment and how it will be implemented within the organization.
Recruitment stages: The policy should outline the different stages of the recruitment process, from advertising the vacancy to making an appointment, and specify the safer recruitment practices that will be applied at each stage.
Shortlisting and interviewing: The policy should set out criteria for shortlisting and interviewing candidates, and ensure that interviews are conducted fairly and consistently.
Reference and DBS checks: The policy should specify the type of references that will be taken up and the circumstances in which DBS checks will be required.
Decision-making: The policy should set out the process for making decisions about appointments, and ensure that all relevant information is considered before a final decision is made.
Training: The policy should specify the training that staff and volunteers involved in recruitment will receive on safer recruitment procedures.
Monitoring and review: The policy should be regularly monitored and reviewed to ensure that it is effective and up-to-date.
Here are some additional tips for developing a safer recruitment policy:
Consult with relevant stakeholders: Involve staff, volunteers, and service users in the development of the policy to ensure that it is reflective of their needs and concerns.
Seek expert advice: If you are unsure about any aspect of safer recruitment, seek advice from a qualified safeguarding professional.
Keep the policy accessible: Ensure that the policy is easily accessible to all staff and volunteers.
Train your staff and volunteers: Provide regular training on safer recruitment procedures for all staff and volunteers involved in the recruitment process.
Report concerns: Encourage staff and volunteers to report any concerns they have about a candidate or the recruitment process.
By following a safer recruitment policy, organizations can help to create a safe and positive environment for vulnerable individuals and minimize the risk of harm.

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